Today, I Have No Idea What to Write About
Hello everyone! Today, I have no idea what to write about. It happens from time to time; I think all week about what to write about and come up with nothing. So today, you get to read whatever I come up with right now!
Currently, it’s 1:45pm on this mild Monday. Matt, Damian, and I went to a Chinese buffet not too long ago, and now I’m sitting in my living room, watching Matt play Apex Legends and listening to Damian talk about his trip to the doctor (his first in several years!). We really need to go get a filter so we can turn on the heat once it gets cold again, and I also need to grab some soil for my plants, as well as the rest of my Halloween costume. I’m hoping we can do that later, mostly because I’ve been putting off doing things for a while.
I’m pretty lazy when I’m not working. Mostly because when I’m not working, I want to sit. Being on my feet all day isn’t my favorite thing, even if it’s only 4–6 hours. As a result, I wait until the last second to do stuff. I do have executive dysfunction problems, but today I am being intentionally lazy. It’s nice to do nothing sometimes!
When the weather is nice, though, I like to go and walk around or do something outside. It makes me feel better when I can get some sun on my face! Lately, I’ve been wanting to go to the Franklin Park Conservatory or the Park of Roses. Even though Fall is happening and things are starting to die, I still like to get fresh air and look at the remaining plants.
I went to the Short North recently with my friend Ronnie and it’s changed down there a lot! They have little kiosks that act like mall directories, where you can touch them and they have options for places to see and events to partake in. They also have a photobooth, which threw me for a loop. There’s lots of new shops that I haven’t seen before (most of which are new bars and clothing shops that I can’t buy anything from), but I didn’t go into any of them. Next time I’m down there, I’ll have to so maybe I can write a review or something!
October is almost over already, and I can’t believe it. In a little over a month, I’ll be making my way to Seattle with Matt for our honeymoon. We’ve basically paid it off already, and now we’re just trying to figure out the details. I’m super excited to go, mostly because we’ve both always wanted to go to Seattle. I almost wish we were going in a warmer month, but I’m happy we’re going at all! We’ll have a great honeymoon no matter the weather. I think that if we like it enough, we’ll be going back more as years go on.
In the future, I think we’re going to try to make it to Japan and go on a cruise before we have children. In theory, doing that means that we can have as much fun as we want without having to worry about little ones either with us or back at home. In practice, I don’t know what’s going to happen! We want to buy a house before we even seriously consider having kids, so we have to do that first. I think that’s more plausible than having a kid right now anyways. Houses are expensive, but so are kids! For now, I’ll just worry about making to our honeymoon.
The Sims 4 has taken over my life once again, which happens every few months or so. One day, I’ll have to see if I can make a nerdy storyline or something so I have something to write about on here! But for now, I think I’m going to go play it soon.
I never used to use mods, but I downloaded a few of them (Slice of Life and Meaningful Stories have been my favorites so far) and it’s been a very interesting but fun time. Both of the mods make life more realistic for the Sims (acne, longer moodlets, birth control, etc.), which I really like because sometimes it can get a little stale playing the same kind of Sims over and over. Combined with branching out of my usual “get married and have a bunch of kids” play style, the mods I’ve been using really make the game feel new again.
That all being said, I think I’m about to go play it! Thanks for coming back every Monday to read my posts, everyone. Even the ones like this! The fact that people like what I write enough to put up with the “bad” posts makes it fun to come back and write. If you’d like, you can follow me on Twitter for more bite sized versions of this blog post, as well as updates on the current posts I’m working on!