November 2022
Hello everyone! If you keep up with me every week, you might have noticed I took an unplanned hiatus. I’ve got writer’s block pretty bad this month! Hopefully it won’t stick around for long because I actually like to write, and I like that people like to read what I write!
Anyway, this month has been pretty straightforward. The seasons are changing, which means my seasonal depression is gearing up to ruin any creative plans! Woo hoo! I think it’s been different this year though, thanks to Olivia. I don’t have time to dwell in my depression when I’ve got a cute little baby smiling at me! Let’s go ahead and see what I’ve been up to this month…
Writer’s Block Month
I HATE having writer’s block. It’s one of the most annoying things I can think of. Wanting to write, making the time, sitting down, and not being able to produce a thing is annoying at best. Every now and then I get bouts of writer’s block that are so bad, I won’t write for weeks, months, years.
Luckily it’s not been so bad this time around. I’ve had weird dreams recently, so hopefully I can use some of the elements from them so that I can write some interesting stuff!
It’s ironic that I get writer’s block during National Novel Writing Month. I’m glad I didn’t commit to it this year because I would NOT have finished!
I mostly feel bad for not writing to keep up with the blog. I say “mostly” because at the end of the day, I want to write something people actually enjoy reading. Most people I know don’t take the time out of their day to read something unless it’s interesting. If something I write looks interesting in theory but it ends up being not so great, it makes me feel like I’ll waste people’s time. I’d rather write something good so that people feel like their time wasn’t wasted. That’s why I don’t try to force the blog too much. So sometimes there might be some missed updates! Quality is better than quantity when it comes to writing.
Thanksgiving was nice this year! My favorite holiday hands down, this year was one to remember thanks to Olivia. It was her first Thanksgiving! Unfortunately she couldn’t eat the food (cause, ya know, she’s a baby), but it was fun to watch her watch us eat in a way. I like to think we were preparing her for the next few months of trying to eat solids (more on that later).
We went to Matt’s family’s dinner on Thanksgiving Day. I wish I had gotten some pictures! I always like seeing my nephews and my niece. It was cute because Lea, my niece, tried to help me feed and hold Olivia. Liv was generally confused at the bigger little person poking and prodding her, but she was good and didn’t cry at all! Olivia is amazingly chill during social events.
On Black Friday, we went to my mom’s house in Indiana. I love going to see my mom and the family there! A lot of people met Olivia for the first time, like my step siblings and my stepmom’s friend. My dad and his husband came, so Olivia got to see all the Richmond-Leeth grandparents! She was tired from the journey, but she did really, really good in the car. Matt and I were both so surprised that she didn’t scream the whole time there and back.
Baby News
Olivia is four months this November! She’s in the 100th percentile for growth (big baby!), and she’s hitting her milestones according to the pediatrician. She smiles almost all the time, and she’s learned new, different, louder ways to cry when I’m taking too long with her food.
Speaking of food, Liv has been greenlit to start eating puréed food! We’re starting out with baby cereal. It kind of looks like mushy, gross grits. She’s not the biggest fan. Today, she spit most of it on me! But I think she’ll grow to like the mushy food. Once we start delving into most flavorful purées I think she’ll come around.
Music Obsessions
I’ll be honest. All I’ve been listening to is Matt Watson. He released his album “SEE YOU THERE” and an extended cut of his “OUCH!” EP this month so he’s been on constant rotation. When I want a break from him, I’ve been listening to my liked songs on shuffle.
So, this playlist is full of oldies but goodies! Click here if you’d like to listen!
November has been a month. Nothing too crazy happened, but I still feel like I can’t believe we’re at the end of the year already. What happened to the time?! Hopefully I can keep up with December’s busy schedule.
Until then, feel free to subscribe to me on Medium by signing up for email updates! Twitter may or may not be dying, but I’ll be there until it’s up in flames and I’m on fire. I always post the link to the blog there as well.
Thank you for reading, as always! I’ll see you next week with something new!