I’ve always had friends. Even in school when I was getting bullied and being generally annoying (gotta love middle school) I always had one person to talk to and hang out with. In high school, I could probably tell you everyone’s name that I went to school with. I was friendly with everyone! Soon, I had a group of friends that I still hang out with to this day. Hell, I even live with two of them!
Now that I’m almost 30, I have been thinking about all the friends I’ve made and lost throughout the years. Some were intentional losses; we just didn’t get along anymore, our lives going in two different directions. Some were unintentional. I think about the friends that drifted away because they moved, or we stopped working together. I think of all the people I knew and still see occasionally, wondering if they still think of me and smile like I do them.
I think about Olivia and how she’s so bubbly and happy and worry about her making friends when the time comes. Will she take to it easily? Or will she be a quiet kid and avoid others? I have always taken to people kindly, but even I feel awkward and “other” when I try to make friends. I wonder if she’ll inherit my awkwardness, or her father’s hot streak and fight her way to eventual friendship. Only time will tell.
My friends are having kids, or have had kids, or are thinking of having kids. In a way, Liv’s got a built-in friend group because of me. Sometimes I think about how she’ll get along with my friends kids, if she does at all. Maybe they’ll be lifelong friends who stick together through anything. Maybe they’ll just begrudgingly get along because their parents are friends. I’m curious to see how our kids do together once they’re ready for it.
The fact is, my life is better with my friends in it. I’ve gone through so much emotionally and mentally throughout my life, but I always have a reason to smile. My family is close and I love them so much, and my closest friends fall into that family category as well. I worry sometimes that I’m a bad friend and they don’t see me as highly as I do them, but at the end of the day, they still want to hang out with me…so I must be doing something right!
I’m thankful for all the people in my corner, whether they’ve been here since middle school or the past few months. I’m thankful that they accept me and my family, and thankful for all the times they invite me to hang out or do something despite me having to say “no” more often than I’d like. The fact that they still extend the invite means so much to me.
Friends are so important to a good life. It’s hard to be alone, and family doesn’t always stick around for some people. Friends are a found family many hold high in their lives, and without a good support system, you fall. So, get out there and find someone who’s gonna pick you back up!
Hello everyone! I decided to write a little introspective on friends today! I’ve been feeling quite thankful recently for my people, so they’re the inspiration for the blog today. I hope you have people in your corner that will lift you up like my friends and family do! If you don’t, just know I’ll always have your back. Unless you do something illegal. And even then, I might try to see the silver lining in it…I’m pretty forgiving! Haha.
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