For Now
The other day I realized something; I have not wanted to write in a long time. Probably a couple of months? I figured writing the blog posts wouldn’t be hard if I had no desire at all to write…I could just write about my life! No big deal!
Except I realized writing about my life would be very repetitive. I have been busy, sure, but some of the stuff is not blog worthy, and others are just plain boring! I can write about work every week, but that quickly grows old.
It was then that I decided I needed to take a break from writing and let the inspiration come naturally to me. When I have time, my writing is decent and pleasing to read. When I force myself to write, it’s painfully obvious.
I’m saying all of this to say that I’m going to be taking a hiatus from this page, but only for now. I want to be able to focus on organizing my life and getting my metaphorical ducks in a row so that I can enjoy writing again. I thought dedicating a day to writing would keep me inspired and motivated, but it just became another obligation to fulfill. I don’t want to feel like I HAVE to write because I don’t think it will be enjoyable to read. I write for both of us, me and you! If I can’t enjoy writing, I know you won’t enjoy reading.
I will be back eventually. I may write the Monthly Update posts just because I really do enjoy writing those, but I want to be able to write about other stuff, like stories and media, without feeling like it’s a chore to do so. I hope you all understand! In the meantime, feel free to follow me on Twitter (if I move to another platform in between now and then, Twitter will be the first to know) to keep up with my day to day.
See you next time!